Saturday, March 20, 2010

1st Lesson Note : Setting Exposure Mode to Auto

Waaa... It takes days for me to think of what should I write regarding Learning Digital Photography. Frankly, until today, I have written almost 20 posts but never really submit or have it here. When I tried to have it posted, I found that... no, its not the first thing that I should have written... Never knew that writing is so hard, lol. However, as days passed by and I never really posted anything yet..., I feel that it is a waste of time... When will I actually have the posts if i don't really start somewhere... So, what the heck, besides... after all so far, its just me who is reading my blog anyway... lol...

So, I thought, I'd just post this idea... or what I think should i start with... : ).

Well, many of us, after buying a digital camera, it is ready to shoot there and then; switch the camera on - and the window to the lens open, and we are ready to press the shutter button. And... the photographs would come out just fine.

But we don't really know, how does the photo come out just fine, don't we? Well, normally, the sales person would have already set the camera for ready to use to ensure that when you take pictures, the output is just nice... otherwise, you would complain that the camera is not a good What does he do actually?

The camera was actually set to AUTO-EXPOSURE MODE, as I had discussed in the first post. AUTO-EXPOSURE MODE is actually where you leave all the works to the camera. That is the beauty of digital camera.

What does the camera do? Actually, when you set the camera to auto-exposure mode, your camera will take the reading of how much light is there on the subject and the surrounding of what you want to take the picture of. Then, the camera will set the ISO setting, the speed setting and the aperture setting to GET THE BEST EXPOSURE. The best exposure means your picture is OK - not too dark and not too bright.

That's why, most of the time, when you take pictures where there is enough light - for example like, outside of a building, when the sun light is bright, no contrast of light on the object...and so on and so forth, your picture would come out really SUPERB!!!. There you would say to yourself, wowww... this camera is great and i love it so much!. Hmm...

So, in the normal condition, at a daylight... just set your camera to auto-exposure mode, and you are guaranteed to get a great exposure of picture... !

Get more tips about photography at Digital Photography School : 
Click here to visit Digital Photography School.

 Another Great Referrance :

TEN- Ten Ways To Improve Your Craft Without Buying Gear, by photographer David duChemin (, is a 32 page PDF about becoming a better photographer. While much of the online education about photography is full of fluff, TEN, and its follow-up, TEN MORE, has received enthusiastic reception all over the world for being passionate, insightful, and full of real-world wisdom for creating compelling photographs.

David duChemin is an international cultural and humanitarian photographer, and the author of the best-selling Within The Frame, and VisionMongers. His popular photography blog, is a connecting point for photographers all over the world who together celebrate a common mantra: Gear is Good, Vision is Better.

Originally introduced at $5 with a planned price of $10, we just never had the heart to raise the price.
Click here to visit - David duChemin.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Create Your Own Window Desktop Wallpaper

If you have taken lots of pictures of yourself or your family, you might want to make use some of the great pictures that you have taken for example use them for making your own window desktop wallpaper.

I use one picture which was taken during last year Hari Raya - a family picture.

Click here to see more on this topic.

visit my blog at!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Get A Digital Camera... Lets Have Fun!

So you have already had a digital camera!

That is GREAT!!!... Using digital camera nowadays are extremely easy especially the so called 'COMPACT DIGITAL CAMERA' or 'POINT AND SHOOT' camera. You just set the camera into 'AUTO' mode and you are ready to shoot anything, anytime...

Example of AUTO mode selection

But, does it GUARANTEE that you will get 'good images' when shooting in this mode?
Now..., its kind of difficult to answer. Most of the time, yes... you can rest assure that you can get good images, especially during day time and outdoor. Well, of course the manufacturer has taken this into consideration when building this camera doesn't it... : )

But, it is not something that you CAN TAKE FOR GRANTED!!!
Imagine when you attended an important event, say.. it would only occur there and at that time only, for example a wedding event of your brother or sister, or a best friend. You wouldn't miss to get some snaps for your own copies of the images, and have fun shooting here and there...

But when you came home later, switched on your PC or laptop, logged in to the internet and your facebook account, cheerfully connected your camera to your PC or laptop to download all the images you have taken with your cam, smiling as you had imagine all the comments that you were about to write, and suddenly...found that almost 70% of the images were fuzzy, blurr or shaking, dark, and you just wouldn't have the GUTS to upload into your facebook album!!!  : O

In this blog or should I say my personal 'Digital Photography Learning Notes', I am going to post everything I knew or had learned either from readings ( I read a lot of books and e-books), from photography courses that I had attended online or offline... or from what I discovered from my own experience, from time to time. (Actually, my initial purpose of having this blog was as a reference note of what i had learned... ).

By the way, if you feel like learning everything about Digital Photography in a couple of hours, so that you can start taking GREAT PICTURES or at least BETTER PICTURES (accepted by many) by TOMORROW!!!, can! Get a FREE REPORT of Dan Fielman 'Your Guide To Digital Photography' here.